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With a background in marketing, user experience, creative, and technology, Dave Burke focuses on bridging disciplinary gaps to create interactive products that delight both users and business stakeholders.

Dave is the vice president of user experience at APCO Worldwide StudioOnline. In that role he leads the UX practice in the creation of interactive products for clients around the globe.

Prior to joining APCO, Dave was Director of Online Experience at Corporate Executive Board, a worldwide leader in strategic research and advisory services for Fortune 500 companies. Before that he was with The Washington Post, where he built the company’s first UX practice, and was responsible for creation, enhancement, measurement, and support of numerous Washington Post interactive products and communities.

Dave graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a Bachelor of Arts in English/Creative and Professional Writing. He has been an instructor in Information Architecture and User Experience at Graduate School USA, and is a frequent speaker on UX and social media topics at academic and professional conferences.


Anatomy of a product placement

Anatomy of a product placement

Interesting NYT piece on the still-evolving role, and still-growing industry, of product placement in TV and movies. Brand marketers are interested in reaching consumers who normally skip commercials, and show producers want to incorporate brands in ways that don't...

Another capture/kill from Apple

I like to keep up with the current user experience in both Android and iOS, so I run an Android phone (Pixel 4) and an iPad Pro. The weather app Dark Sky runs on both, but it's better on Android because it can integrate better into the home screen. Well now Apple has...

The UX Hierarchy of Needs To Be Fixed

The UX Hierarchy of Needs To Be Fixed

This was presented at the 2011 IA Summit. “The UX Hierarchy of Needs To Be Fixed” is composed of a graded set of consequences for UX defects. The idea is that, when facing a backlog of defects in a product nearing launch, you should fix defects in the more severe...

User Research Methods: What vs. Why; Surface vs. Strategy

User Research Methods: What vs. Why; Surface vs. Strategy

A recent conversation about user testing new features and designs induced me to get a little more organized in my thinking about the right method for particular testing goals. Two key dimensions to consider are: User Dimension (X Axis): Is our research goal to better...

Buzzing and beeping in the IOT age

Buzzing and beeping in the IOT age

As internet-connected devices proliferate, we user experience people need to get more judicious when designing how they call attention to themselves, lest our connected homes become a cacophony of beeps, flashes and buzzes.